Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My year in running

I started my journey really last November, but it was my joining Team in Training for the spring season in January that really changed my life. I was introduced to running using intervals and life took off from there including my first triathlon experience. I know the roads & hills of Central Park as well as the Hudson Greenway. I have run across bridges including GW, Brooklyn & Randalls' Island and run on islands... Manhattan, Randalls Island, Roosevelt Island, in Walt Disney World and lots of other fun places while traveling... San Diego, Denver, Sacramento and more. I have run in a tutu and wings, all bundled up for winter and super early and in a lot less for summer. I ran 5 half marathons, 2-10ks, 1-5k, 1-4 milers and completed one sprint triathlon. Some races were faster and some were slower. Some were in the heat and humidity and some were nice and chilly. All had amazing moments and tough ones.
  • Fastest half marathon: Boston BAA 2:50:17
  • Most challenging (TIE): Chanukkah Half - "running" into the wind for half a race is killer & Iron Girl - I finished but just barely
  • Coolest route: Wine & Dine Half at Disney World - ran through Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios with the Christmas lights and Epcot
  • Most Historical: New York Mini 10K - all women for more than 40 years

Here is a recap of my major events for the year:

I also want to thank everyone who has helped me on my journey: from my first pace leader Jessica to my amazing coaches Barb, Ellen and Christine plus so many more coaches & training partners: Wendy, Laura, Kit, Sara, Maria, Terri, Rachel, Sarah (sorry to those I did not list) from Team in Training; from all who have cheered me on both in person, Jonathan (who flew to MCO from SAN just to cheer on his sister at her first half marathon), Corie (the best sign maker ever who also got up at long before the crack of dawn to drive me to my first triathlon & came to Disney for fun and cheering) & Mark (who drove up to see me in my first triathlon) to all those who have cheered me on virtually not just for races but also for training runs; also to my amazing online running groups (PP and MRTT) - many ladies whom I have now met in person and who are wonderful people and new friends and who I got to run with in different locals: Andrea, Dorie, Rosie, Amanda, Judi, Nancy, Sarah, Beth and more I am forgetting right now.

Next up... my goals for 2014! What are your goals?


  1. Way to go Dvora! You inspire me! It's time for me to get some new shoes and get busy myself! I'm serious about Bay to Breakers in May, if you're game!
