Thursday, May 20, 2010

30 Day Shred - Day 9 through 21

Sorry I haven't written, but life has been busy.  I have been fitting in Shred and yoga some days both and some days one or the other.  I even began doing Level 2 of the Shred.  Jillian is a bit nuts and it is serious hard work, but it was cool to go up and the one day I went back and did Level 1 instead it felt simple in comparison.  I still do not like jumping jacks... AT ALL, but they are easier to do.  Things were going along pretty well... one day of real sickness in the middle of this stretch, but good around.

But yesterday I hit a big fat wall!  I am trying to reach some big personal goals in yoga in order to take a teacher training course this summer and have hit the level of over load on my muscles. It was great on Wednesday when I was able to do a yoga handstand for the first time.  Imagine the huge smile on my face... my yoga teacher assures me it was there. Yesterday was not the same story... I somehow made it through my Vinyasa class, but am not sure quite how. 

Today, I woke up and decided to listen to my body. I took a slow alignment yoga class today to stretch out my sore body and am taking the next 2 days totally off! I will give myself time to repair and try NOT to beat myself up over it.  I will not let it derail me and will get back up on Sunday to Shred again.  I do miss Jillian telling me not to stop for 20 minutes each day. :)  See you on the mat on Sunday!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Math & Art together: Impossible motion: magnet-like slopes

I do not remember who sent this link, but I love the combination of math & art in this video.  It is very cool and worth a blog post.  I would love to have my students work on this kind of project next year!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

30 Day Shred - Day 1 through 8

Well despite being sick this week I have pushed through and today will be Day 9 of my 30 Day Shred Challenge.  For those that think I am speaking some foreign tongue, I mean Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD.

A couple of days after I decided to add this to my yoga training to build strength I found through my wonderful PLN on Twitter that Shredheads way having a Challenge during the month of May and I joined in.  Even though I am a few days ahead, it is great to have people cheering you on.  I also have friends here in Curacao supporting my efforts and Judith even joins in some evenings.

Days 1 & 2 were the toughest and I still find the first circuit (3 min strength, 2 min cardio, 1 min abs) to be the hardest since my body is not warmed up yet. By days 4 & 5 I did find that I had more stamina and last night I was able to do the full version of butt kicks!

I have already noticed a difference in my level of strength and was able to do a headstand for the first time in yoga on Thursday evening.  I am on my way to hoping to be accepted in Om Yoga's Summer Intensive Yoga Teacher Training.  This is a great motivator to keep me going even while feeling a bit under the weather.  Last night Jillian got my sore back from being in bed all day off the couch/bed and moving a bit and also sweating out the nastiness inside.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Climbing Mt. Christoffel

This is the highest point on all of Curacao at 1239 feet (377 meters) at the very top.  In order to do this and not die of heat or sweat to death (at least for me), it means getting up before the sun - 5:00 am and meeting your friends at 5:30 am to drive to the mountain.  The Christoffel Park open at 6:00 am on Sundays.

We (Judith, Liz and I) arrived around and drove up into the park to the start of the trail. We started off around 7:00 am. I thought it was more hiking, but it turned out to be a bunch of climbing as well. Well Judith was right, the view was worth it at the top.  :)

Climbing down took a lot of concentration and work to place your feet without sliding down.  In the end, I am glad I did it, but once is enough for me. :)  Still I can't let it keep me from Jillian's 30 Day Shred: Day 3 which I will get to after the heat of the afternoon dies down.

Click here to check out all my photos.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ants In My Pants! YIKES!

Ok well everywhere but them.  This week found me with an ant invasion in my closet... and my drawers.  They got into everything except my pants... maybe they don't like denim.  On the first day, I only noticed them in the closet... my tops and dresses, but they had spread to my drawers on the shelf next to the closet.  My not noticing allowed one of them got me in a very unpleasant place and I was not expecting it. Not only did I have to spray my closet to kill them all, they ate holes in some of my clothes. 

It took 2 days to deal with that part and then another morning to take all my clothes (Thankfully I have a much smaller wardrobe down here.) to the laundromat and wash, dry and fold them.  The folding took an hour in itself.

On an upside, I took it as a chance to do a first thinning of the clothes I will take with me from the island.  So one of the island community centers will begin its good fortune.  More will definitely be going there way over the next 7 weeks. :)

I have had enough of biting spiders and ants this week.  Yes spiders got me too.  It has been a bad week for allergies and bites.