Sunday, September 23, 2012

Back in New York City

So I know I have fallen off the wagon and was not so good about posting my Mexican adventures here. Needless to say they were many and so much fun! The middle of July, I moved back to New York City... where I am now living and working.

I am still of two minds with this move. I love my job and it is nice to be near my close long time friends and my family, but I miss living in another culture. I miss the food in Mexico City. I miss being the cool one who lives in another country.

I am adjusting to living back in my home country. It is nice to be able to search for an apartment in my native language, but really the rental market here is not a fun place. The renters can really get taken for a ride. It is my next challenge starting in October to look for a place.

I am enjoying living in a new neighborhood and going out in the evenings with friends old and new. I forgot how expensive life can be here in the city.

I will start to post about my experiences in this very international city as I experience life back in the USA.