Thursday, March 1, 2012

Keeping up is hard to do

Sorry I have been so quiet on here. Since the end of January, I attended my Apple Distinguished Educator training in Guanajuato, Mexico and met so many amazing educators.

University of Guanajuato - our local host

I have also been busy at work trying new things in my classroom and in general working hard to keep up with grading... a never ending cycle.

Another fabulous new thing has been joining the gym. I love my new super nice gym with the lastest machines and a great array of classes plus towels and amazing showers. I forgot how much I enjoy spin class and how hard reformer pilates is. But it feels great to go and sweat. Still haven't tried out all the different options and looking forward to checking out a yoga class soon.

Back to work for now. Will try to check in sooner.